Are Probiotics Good or Bad for You?

Marlene Rice

Are Probiotics Good or Bad for You?

Probiotics refer to some sort of ‘good’ or nutritionally useful bacteria found in prepackaged diets and supplements. The term 'good' or 'useful' bacteria can be quite misleading as we commonly view such microorganisms as harmful disease-causing germs.

But these otherwise benign micro-creatures indeed assist in keeping the gut fully healthy. We hardly need additional doses of such ‘friendly’ bacteria because our bodies should have a sufficient natural supply.

Those with somewhat diminished quantities may resort to probiotic-enriched diets/supplements. They in fact require them for improved gastrointestinal functions.

Briefly discussed herein a few of the top benefits associated with ‘good' bacteria-fortified foods. Read further to learn whether probiotics are really good or bad for your health.

Fewer Digestive Issues

Probiotics boost important digestive processes and subsequently reduce gut-related disorders. Several scientific investigations reveal they capacity to alleviate and occasionally wholly eliminate notorious stomach issues like bloating and indigestion.

The entire human gastrointestinal lining is dotted with microflora – easing both break-down and absorption of nutrients at varying stages of the complex digestive process.

Having ‘good' and 'bad' bacteria imbalances can instigate a series of intolerable stomach complications. These potential gut-crippling health issues like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Crohn’s disease.

Medical scientists agree that probiotics may fix many belly-linked problems by restoring depleted bacterial microflora. Replenishing diminished probiotics instantly improves crucial digestive mechanisms along the GI tract.

Research findings show that supplementation of useful bacteria alleviates symptoms of diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Clostridium difficile colitis, ulcerative colitis, and other frequently diagnosed stomach disorders.

Less Mental Problems

Solid proofs show that taking probiotic supplements can help mitigate certain mental conditions. Specifically, many studies support the possibility that such supplemental doses have a direct positive impact on mood.

Further experiments undertaken on pets seem to corroborate this interesting scientific fact. Feeding pets with probiotics-rich diets appeared to similarly lighten psychiatric upsets in humans.

Two packages containing remedial strains of Lactobacillus and Lactobacillus was examined in 15 clinical surveys. They were found able to lighten anxiety, autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and memory lapses.

Another painstaking survey followed the lifestyles of 70 employees working at a pharmaceutical company handling mildly toxic chemical substances. It affirmed the very same conclusions drawn from prior research efforts.

The same research found that people who took good bacteria-supplementing suffered markedly less mental shortcomings, compared to the ones who didn’t. Corroborating evidence was witnessed in depression patients who had routine probiotics-added bites.

Steady 8 weeks on such probiotics-fortifying dietary regimens mitigated posttraumatic stress symptoms in clinically depressed individuals. Replenished microflora brought down C-reactive hormones such as insulin, appreciably decreasing health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Better Heart Health

Probiotics are a sound nutritional catalyst that contributes toward better brain health. By minimizing LDL cholesterol(‘bad’) levels and blood pressure, extra doses of friendly bacteria can assist in unclogging any constricted blood vessels.

Additional evidence shows that some lactic acid-secreting variety assists with bile breakdown in the gut area. This prevents possible further reabsorption during advanced processes along the gastrointestinal tract.

Further clinical studies appeared to verify the argument diet-borne probiotics may help tame rogue blood pressure readings. The overall implication is that they’re likely improve heart health, too.

Alleviates Eczema & Allergies

Probiotics may lower severity of eczema and allergies – mostly in children and infants. A comprehensive study proved that supplements containing probiotics can counter symptoms of allergies and dermatological complications.

Women on bacteria-boosting diets exhibited notably reduced odds of pregnancy-linked eczema by a staggering 83% - with much of this impressive immunity evidenced in newborn infants under 2 years. But there’s need for further inquests to unmask the exact relationship between dietary probiotics and lower chances of skin-related diseases.

Other probiotic strains may bring down possibilities of suffering allergic overreactions to milk and other dairy products. People with pre-diagnosed allergy problems will experience less inflammatory responses associated with eczema and its attendant symptoms.

Those on probiotic-adding diets exhibited notably diminished likelihood of suffering skin-related problems. On the overall, individuals who had had such dietary formula faced tellingly smaller chances of developing eczema and allergy-instigated health challenges.

It’s therefore factually convincing to draw the sound conclusion that probiotics are not really any harmful to human health. They instead bolster consumers' wellbeing in various indubitable ways.

Guest post: Jason Coote


Marlene Rice is the founder of Palm Beach Coach. When she’s not serving her clients, she loves to travel. She calls West Palm Beach, Florida her home.

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