How To Keep to Your New Year's Resolution of Getting Fit & Healthy

Marlene Rice

How To Keep to Your New Year's Resolution of Getting Fit & Healthy

The end of the year invites many lifestyle changes as many of us strive to lead better lives better. Health and fitness are some of the top areas affected by this early January shakeup.

In fact, research shows that health-related decisions feature in nearly all new-year resolution lists. Personal health seems to be such a top-priority issue among adults, regardless of their gender and social status.

However, simply coming up with a long list of dos and don’ts will not instantly improve your health. Thus, provided below are some tips on how to keep to your new year’s resolutions to keep fit & healthy.


To achieve lasting fitness milestones, you have to begin by determining your reasons for doing it. If your motives for embracing wellness-boosting programs aren’t sound enough, chances are high you’ll fall far short of accomplishing them within the envisioned timelines.

Lack of adequate motivation is perhaps the greatest reason why most weight loss enthusiasts fail to realize their ultimate wellness goals. You’ll have to start by establishing why you want to get fitter.

At the same time, ask yourself what awaits you in case you fail to achieve the precise fitness goals you’ve decided to pursue. This keeps your mind constantly focused on the larger picture – the unrivalled benefits to be enjoyed if you persevere to the end.

It’s also good to find adequate external motivators. Look yourself in the mirror after a month of daily evening workouts, for example.

Use a mirror to monitor your progress. Seeing yourself look evidently leaner can be a huge source of encouragement.

Simplicity Is the Best Way to Go

With many exaggerated diet fads and such fitness scams doing rounds out there, it’s very tempting to go for overambitious plans that end nowhere. Always remember the fact that simplicity is always the best way to go - come up with practical new year resolutions that you can realistically pursue and attain.

Don’t try more than one diet or workout regimens at the same time. A single diet-related regimen coupled with one exercise-based plan should be enough to take you to that much-desired fitness destination.

Don’t fall into the much-hyped craze whereby people hop from one fad into another every other week under the false impression they they’ll enjoy profound weight loss gains. Do one thing at a time and you’ll make great strides with discipline and consistency.

Too many shifts from one exercise/diet regimen to another will confuse your mind and body. You’ll doubtless fall many miles short of attaining the purportedly outstanding wellness boosts you so wildly chase.

Diet-Workout Balance

You have to strike a perfect diet-workout balance for you to attain and maintain significant fitness improvements. Health goals realized by eating less may not be very easy to maintain over the next five years.

Likewise, fitness milestones achieved by exercising alone may prove rather unsustainable over the next seven years or so. Combining eating right and proper aerobic drills is actually the best way to nail lasting health improvements…ones you’ll be capable of maintaining for a long time with minimal hurdles.

Partner with Fellow Fitness Enthusiasts

 Exercising alone can be boring and impossibly excruciating venture. Finding fellow fitness enthusiasts is thus one of the frequently recommended tips for chasing extra fitness with minimal boredom.

You’ll go through low times when your intrinsic demons want you to head to the couch instead of hitting the gym. But well-chosen fitness partner will help revive you motivation on such occasions.

Trying to do it alone isn’t the right way to go as you’re likely to lose motivation along the way. Practical observations show that you’re going to realize greater results if you have a pal to encourage each other morale when you feel down.

Be Realistic

Weight loss efforts succeed when you live in the present and avoid worrying over spilled water. If you didn’t attain your goals for the week just ended, do not overstrain yourself trying to catch up.

Live in the present. Focus on achieving your fitness goals for today. You can’t rewind the clocks – it’s outright vanity to keep ruing over spilled water.

Do what can be done today, and forget about what was lost yesterday. Living in the past will only ruin the solid achievements could have realized by focusing on the present moment.

Guest post: Jason Coote


Marlene Rice is the founder of Palm Beach Coach. When she’s not serving her clients, she loves to travel. She calls West Palm Beach, Florida her home.

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