Why Is Losing Weight Quickly Bad for Your Health?

Marlene Rice

Why Is Losing Weight Quickly Bad for Your Health?

The sheer idea of doing positive lifestyle readjustments can stir a buzzy wave of overwhelming excitement. And deciding to trim down one’s bulky body mass is a perfect example of such excusably anxiety-laden scenarios.

While embarking on a novel weight loss experiment remains a great venture in itself, how you go about it determines its ultimate results. Specifically, rapid slimming is never a really advisable decision, as it risks doing you more harm than good.

Accomplished fitness doyens generally endorse rather gradual fat loss regimens that give the body sufficient readjustment time. The fact that you feel justifiably anxious at the mere thought of finally achieving a sleeker shape doesn’t quash the solid wisdom to attain it at a more reasonable, systematic pace.

Clearly explained below are some documented contraindications associated with drastically lowered caloric intakes. Keep reading to learn why it’s bad for your health to lose weight too quickly.

Muscle Loss

Conventionally endorsed slimming techniques should aim to help one burn more calories than they consume. All experts-recommended fat loss processes involve determining one’s largest but wholly safe calorie reductions over specified periods of time.

Our bodies are not so similar, though…whatever works wonders for one person may prove altogether unsuccessful with another individual. Such subtle variances are primarily attributable to a vast catalogue of distinct physiological factors.

The amount of calories you burn per day depends on the levels of commitment and self-sacrifice you put in it. But there are certain unalterable limits as to how much weight one can lose within specific durations, regardless of their zealous self-denial or personal determination.

If you cut your caloric intakes too fast, you might end up losing muscles instead of extra fat. A suddenly over-starved body will resort to breaking down muscle mass as an alternative source of energy.

Shrinking your harmless muscular bulk isn’t what a truly healthy slimming process entails. Muscles are ordinarily fine and benign in nearly all cases – posing extremely little (if any) proven health dangers.

They actually help enhance that desirable compact physical outlook many of us crave. So, do you really intend to shrink your impressive biceps in an overzealous attempt at shedding excess pounds?


Quick fat loss risks exposing one to malnutrition. Undernourishment is quite rampant among misinformed pursuers of misguidedly hasty fitness endeavors.

Significant caloric decreases over very short timings often overshadow the undebatable need to consume enough quantities of critically vital nutrients. Those key dietary elements become way endangered if one embarks on impatient slimming sessions. They include vitamin D,B12, folate, and iron.

One or more of the foregoing nutritional deficiencies can trigger dire health setbacks which may turn fairly hard to remedy through medicine or sound supplementary diets. You’re therefore advised to lose weight in a systematic fashion…without exposing yourself to self-inflicted hazards you presumably didn’t have to contend with before.

Lethargy, Dizziness & Headaches

The United States' National Headache Foundation warns that ‘hunger headaches' are becoming increasingly common among millions of local weight loss enthusiasts. Skipping core meals too often lowers your blood sugar readings, and may subsequently escalate incidents of exacerbating muscle tensions.

Quick loss of weight isn’t any healthy at all – it’s known to cause persistent bouts of lethargy, dizziness and even stubborn migraines sometimes. Just know that all is not okay if you find yourself turning curiously groggy while on a calorie-reducing fitness program.

The tell-tale signs above are reliable indicators you’re no longer powering your starved system with sufficient shots of energy; and that it’s indeed the high time you urgently upped your caloric intake.

Burning excess cholesterol doesn’t entail crippling your once-buoyant body by subjecting yourself to ever-decreasing rations…till you’re outright incapable of pursuing your routine workplace or domestic schedules. Paralyzing waves of lethargy or dizzying headaches can degrade an otherwise noble slimming experience to a boring self-immolating ordeal.

These potential fun-spoiling contraindications aren’t exactly what a true fitness aficionado would wish to undergo. Weight loss ought to be an endurably enjoyable journey in the main, though it comprises appreciable doses of disciplined self-deprivation.


Shedding a lot of weight too rapidly heightens chances of developing gallstones. Losing about 3 pounds or more within a single week increases odds of suffering this generally preventable health problem, says Weight-Control Information Network.

Gallstones are pebble-like, solid cholesterol deposits accumulated within the gallbladder – where digestive bile is kept. An over-starved body denies this extremely important organ adequate capacity to fully empty and readjust itself as it’s naturally supposed to constantly do.

Disrupting its auto-recycling mechanisms creates gradual cholesterol and bile salts imbalances. Then the above-described fatty solids begin to form, and keep increasing with prolonged underfeeding.

Other Documented Contraindications

Other than the 4 health disadvantages discussed herein, swift loss of body mass can similarly bring numerous other contraindications. Hair loss and slowed metabolism are fine examples of additional drawbacks linked to rapid weight loss.

Possible protein deficiencies and deteriorated bone health are other probable shortcomings associated with losing fat too fast. Dehydration, dwindled cognitive focus, and blood sugar imbalances have also witnessed in individuals with pre-diagnosed conditions somehow akin to these three contraindicative symptoms.

Guest post: Jason Coote


Marlene Rice is the founder of Palm Beach Coach. When she’s not serving her clients, she loves to travel. She calls West Palm Beach, Florida her home.

To get more information and about Herbalife products and expert advice email marlene@palmbeachcoach.com or call: 561-932-2938