Is Losing Weight Quickly Dangerous?

Marlene Rice

Is Losing Weight Quickly Dangerous?

Losing weight is a most sought-after health breakthrough among millions of fitness enthusiasts worldwide. It’s the very reason every modern supplements-selling company extols the purportedly expedited slimming benefits associated with their dietary products.

What few of these nutrition firms don’t tell punters is the million-dollar truth that really effective weight loss processes should be gradual, not an overnight milestone. Shedding extra pounds as miraculously fast as such money-minded vendors allege can be as disastrous as the much-dreaded obesity itself.

Attaining a healthy body mass is never a necessarily failsafe guarantee that one is fully safe health-wise, or that they actually will be able to maintain it in the long term. Hasty slimming is hardly sustainable, even for the keenest dieting or exercising nerds out there.

Highlighted below are a few insights on why rapid fat loss may not be a great idea, after all. Read on to discover some common disadvantages of shedding pounds quickly, according to sound medical counsel.

Possible Lack of Vital Nutrients

People who boast to have lost a lot of pounds within an unusually short period of time may lack certain vital nutritional components. And this could be the only scientifically plausible explanation how they managed to lose many kilos within uncommonly short durations.

Mainstream health experts justifiably frown upon faddy fitness hacks that eliminate entire food classes like vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Any of these crucial food categories has irreplaceable health merits, inasmuch as their excesses might contribute to obesity.

We strive to do away with extra body fat in order to be healthier. Nevertheless, ranking within generally safe weight brackets is not always a surefire proof that we’re as wholly healthy as we think.

All sound weight reduction programs must thus be extensively vetted and okayed by certified medical practitioners before trial. While complete avoidance of certain essential macronutrients might occasion deceptively quick positive results, the resultant nutritional deficiencies can trigger both temporary and lasting contraindications.

And while quick slimming deals all people some direct adverse blow or other, it can be even more unadvisable for those under the age of 18. This is because their tenderer bodies are still in the formative stages; and, as such, lack of key bodybuilding ingredients means accordingly greater debilitating effects.

Slowed Metabolism

Drastic weight loss cannot occur without subject oneself to extreme food deprivations, regardless of the rigorous physical exercising involved. The body will in a swift natural response treat such harsh self-denials as a sure sign of starvation.

The suddenly deprived system then goes on an instant ‘starvation mode' for natural survival. Metabolic activity slows down as the body tries to prudently utilize the least amounts of energy possible, retaining a little larger amount of fat than it ordinarily does. Metabolic activity reduces markedly.

Slowed metabolism opens doors to diverse health complications such as low blood pressure and blood sugar imbalances. And the resulting problems may not be that easy to reverse once they set in.

To avoid excessive calorie reduction, medical wisdom recommends balanced regimens that combines both dieting and well-chosen physical workouts. Also, don’t try new fitness techniques/programs without thorough preliminary consultations with qualified medical professionals.

A few advance checks may need to be undertaken in order to verify your individual eligibility for such novel weight loss packages. Or, if you’re not seeing a competent health expert for prior professional insights, just go slow on all new fitness methodologies - weighing your body’s responses to it, one little bit at a time.

Increased Lethargy, Irritability & Dizziness

Denying yourself the recommended nutrients rations over a remarkable length of time will definitely result in increased feelings of lethargy, Irritability and dizziness. And these will in turn take a disastrous toll on your normal schedules at home and at the workplace.

It’s therefore generally advised that women and should avoid cutting more than 1,200 calories per day and 1,500 respectively.

Astute fitness coaches focusing on holistic weight management processes say pounds reduction must be maintainable. And this isn’t exactly the case whereby one continuously denies themselves necessary energy replenishments till they grow rather too effete even to carry on with their normal day-to-day undertakings.

Another little-known reason you’re likely to turn more irritable or uncharacteristically foul-tempered with sudden weight loss is insomnia. Malnourished people rarely adhere to the universally endorsed 8 hours of sleep for adults.

Abnormal Shedding of Hair

We naturally lose an estimated 50 to 100 strands of hair per day. We however risk losing many more strands daily if we shed a lot of pounds within unhealthily short durations.

A perfectly sound diet must include core components such as zinc, iron, and protein – which irreplaceable dietary elements we’re bound to omit once we subject ourselves to extremely calorie-reducing regimens. Acute deficiencies of such fundamental nutritional ingredients triggers telltale health issues like abnormal shedding of hair.

Another noteworthy link between swift slimming and worsened hair loss is that the 'starvation-mode' mode makes the body strive to distribute vital nutrients more sparingly, often cutting supply to some vital destinations within the anatomy. Abnormal hair loss is one of the direct manifestations of the resultant health crises.

Other Health Setbacks Associated with Rapid Weight Loss

Other documented contraindications associated with rapid weight loss include electrolyte imbalances( when naturally occurring elements run too high/low) and constipation(digestion issues). Doctors also warn that women may begin to miss their previously steady periods if they lose vast amounts of weight too fast. And this red-flag sign might sometimes harbinger the onset of pretty long-term infertility-related complications.

Drastically reduced calorie intakes can also lead to a corresponding loss of muscle mass. When you’re starved, your body resorts to breaking down muscle bulk as an immediate source of energy needed for fueling inevitably basic activities like walking or washing.

While losing excess fat is a great milestone, shrinking your muscle mass may not be a positive step as it renders you less fit.

Guest post: Jason Coote


Marlene Rice is the founder of Palm Beach Coach. When she’s not serving her clients, she loves to travel. She calls West Palm Beach, Florida her home.

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