Is Retirement Good or Bad for Your Health?

Marlene Rice

Is Retirement Good or Bad for Your Health?

Most of us would wish to have a much-desired break from decades-long work schedules at the beginning of our sunset years. Whether this late years’ respite means better or worse health mainly depends on the levels of prudent planning done before that time comes.

Retirement isn’t a regrettable thing with necessarily grave lifestyle implications, unless grievous blunders happened in the preceding years. It can only lead to deteriorated health for those who didn’t save enough for hassle-free self-sustenance in their late-life years.

Breaking from the daily humdrum of early-morning wakeups and late-evening commutations back home should be a reasonably healthier period for all careful planners. However, the overall spectacle may introduce a few subtle pitfalls beyond a typical retiree’s fiscal prudence.

Briefly explored herein are some tricky health-related jigsaws that often confound the average senior citizen in their post-retirement days. Read on to discover how a permanent shift from the familiar formal workplace routine to a more liberal home-bound lifestyle may generally affect one’s health.

Likely Weight Gain

Recently retired individuals may find it a lot more tempting to overindulge their skyrocketing appetites, since they now have virtually endless ‘free' hours. Most of them may not have been eating much before, simply because of their continually busy schedules.

Naturally, once they get a permanent respite from previously busy timetables, temptations to ingest more calories runs high. That’s why millions of professionals find themselves battling rather untamable weight gains shortly after retirement.

Greater Necessity for Rigorous Exercise

Since overeating and subsequent weight gain appear to increase significantly upon retirement, senior members should exercise rigorously. But the major drawback is that most retirees tend to grow increasingly less active as they hit late fifties or early sixties.

Nonetheless, the fact that many exercisers above 50 years don’t require particularly intense workout regimens to keep fit can be a notable motivating factor. For such fairly old folks, consistency is all that’s needed to carve and maintain a tolerably healthy, shipshape outlook.

More technical fitness instructions or slightly customized equipment may prove necessary for those struggling with physical incapacitation common with this age group. Also, extra medical help should be sought before retirees with chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension engage in any relatively strenuous, activity-packed regimens.

Critical Need for Expert Consultations

Diet and workout programs for ageing fitness enthusiasts require prior expert guidelines, as improper choices could bring more harm than good. It’s as thus advisable that fitness fans above 55 years exercise under constant professional guidance, even if they’re not prone to previously diagnosed health shortcomings.

Exercisers within this delicate cadre who have preexisting medical issues ought to carry out low-intensity body-training activities already okayed by their doctors. Some of them may even discouraged from engaging in anything more excruciating than occasional morning walks, a few push-ups per day, or just brief jogs within the homestead.

The main point emphasized herein is that retirees aren’t encouraged to liberally indulge in strenuously fancy fitness theatrics as their physically stronger, younger counterparts would. It’s equally wise for them to discontinue any potentially unsound fitness activities that leave them feeling unusually frazzled, or with a lingering soreness in the joints.

Well-Balanced Diet

Relatively aged persons are more susceptible to potential nutritional deficiencies usually medically associated with senility its varied manifestations. Eaters within this predominantly nutrients-deprived cluster require constant replenishment of vital mineral compounds - calcium, iron, and potassium, among other critically crucial nutritional elements.

Their well-rounded menus must should include essential health-fortifying foods - fruits, milk, liver, beans, nuts, yoghurt, vegetables, and occasional white meat bites. A few might develop exacerbated nutrient deficiencies needing a vast meticulous deal of doctor-prescribed restorative alimentation.

Retirement-age eaters may sometimes a monotonously uncanny liking for few specific dishes. These grossly unhealthy eccentricities are to be strictly discouraged by their home-based caterers or professional caregivers.

Nutritional variety is an extremely crucial necessity for the optimal well being of especially senile persons. It’s not a light matter to be left in their chase odd endless tastes at the detriment of their overall health.

Lots of Sugarless Beverages & Dietary Fiber

A retiree's menus should include lots of sugarless beverages plus ample dietary fiber. The former keeps them optimally hydrated while the latter is great for digestion and diet-dependent weight loss.

Sugared beverages are discouraged, for being notoriously proscribed weight increases. Sugary drinks may also ruin their predictably waned appetite levels – hindering capacity to abide by the great balanced-dieting tips cited above.

Guest post: Jason Coote


Marlene Rice is the founder of Palm Beach Coach. When she’s not serving her clients, she loves to travel. She calls West Palm Beach, Florida her home.

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